Sitting in front of a mac, the living room is wi-fi enabled. The perfect surrounding for jailbreaking the iPod touch. Now, it all boils down to whether or not I'm gonna take the risk to free my iPod touch from all the confines Apple has placed upon it.....
It didn't take long to flash myself the 'green-light', the usual 'who-gives-a-damn' attitude kicked in, and launched myself down the path of jailbreaking.
It's my first time tampering with such complicated a product as an iPod, and I certainly don't want to screw up. Carefully following the onscreen instructions from iPhone 4 Taiwan
1. restored to firmware 1.1.1
2. accessed through safari on iPod touch
3. initiated online jailbreak sequence
4. jailbreak 1.1.1 complete, reboot, installer on screen
5. install Oktoprep via installer
6. 'upgrade' to firmware 1.1.2 via iTunes
7. launch jailbreak 1.1.2.jar on PC
8. Uploading jailbreak files to iPod Touch
9. Finishing jailbreak, installing open SSH, set user root, alpine
10. Reboot
To be honest, following these 10 simple steps seemed very easy, but nonetheless it took me more than 3 hours to get it right. In the end, my iPod touch was successfully jailbroken, and now features up to 30 various applications !!! So much more interesting than the built in functions!!!!!